Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mo leapu

Heki Grito derwab se paku hutyur ilopi tamwu fitjem. 30 lapsiki feri jupo yensargi deswa!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Today was a compleate shocker when I got online today. I received 6 E-mails and a letter from a very good friend of mine that I met at camp this year! Now that's alot of mail.
Plus I go back to school tomarrow.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Yika aam dewü

Hela qesay hija moopka bugyo besar tyipji kilao wensar difu. Wae tu pii kiop ve frikkam tse wan 30! Yo hijwa demyirsta giopwi haefu gijubwo. Yij qa ahi frima idget yuyop hapni wasalopu!!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hair doos

Right now a friend of my mom's is doing our hair today. Right now she's doing my mom's hair and after she's done she'll do mine. Pretty much that's it that happened today.